Hello, Lord. It is so great to see you. Yes, I see you. I know you see my smile behind this mask when you greet me from the tabernacle. I have to be honest, I'm overjoyed every Sunday when I close my eyes and you say hello with the light images you project onto my eyelids.
Yes, you gave me rational skills to discern you in this manner and I am amazed every time! While I've come to anticipate it, I do worry someday I will fail to see your radiance behind my eyelids. I am so unworthy of this gift and, yet, you bestow it so regularly.
I find you greeting me from every tabernacle, not just the one in my home parish. My heart swells with love every single time. I am in awe but not surprised by your greetings.
I am content to sit at every Mass, witnessing your true presence, working to keep my mind on the liturgy. It is very hard, Lord. You are a bit of a wonderful distraction!

This is what our parish tabernacle looks like.
This is a very elementary rendering of what I see when I close my eyes while looking at the tabernacle. Imagine the negative of this image, where the white is black and the almost monstrance-like image is actually gold. I know He cannot be reserving this experience for just me. Others have to see something similar when they take the time to search out Christ's presence in the tabernacle. It is as if I am seeing His face, without seeing His face! (Exodus 33:20) Or, as if I am with Elijah, standing at the mouth of the cave with my eyes closed and listening to Him in the whisper, only He is saying welcome instead of asking me why I am here. (1Kings19:11-13)
